Now Living Future Accredited

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For the last year I've been studying the Living Building Challenge curriculum - which is a whole host of courses on Regenerative Design...

  1. Living Building Challenge - Full, Imperative and Petal certification - for new, existing buildings, interior and landscapes
  2. Living Community Challenge - regenerative communities
  3. Living Product Challenge - regenerative and social just products
  4. Biophilic Design
  5. Healthy Materials
  6. Urban Agriculture
  7. Core Green Building Certification
  8. Declare label - ‘nutrition label’ for healthier building materials and products
  9. Just label - Tools to promote corporate transparency and employee engagement while helping to create a better, more socially just and equitable world
  10. Reveal label - high performance building energy label
  11. Zero Carbon - standard to measure actual decarbonisation of a building design - embodied and operational
  12. Zero Energy - independently verified highly efficient buildings that rely only on clean energy from the sun, wind or earth 


Learning through case studies I've learnt "what good looks like". 

The study has deepened my understanding and knowledge of regenerative design, along with appreciation of the wide span of tools to use to certify products, projects and communities provided by the International Living Future Institute.  I'm now Living Future Accredited.
